WHEN: Monthly | September 2023 thru May 2024 WHO: 3RD-8TH GRADES *** YOU MUST BE A PART OF THE JET CLUB PROGRAM and HAVE BEEN SPECIFICALLY ASSIGNED JET GROUP TRAINING BY JESS EVERS TO REGISTER *** CLICK HERE TO READ DISCLAIMER TRAINING: 1-HOUR TRAINING SESSIONS | 3 WEEKS EACH MONTH (Typically the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd weeks of each month unless otherwise notified.) Description: Advanced specialized skill training for 5th-8th grade athletes. The goal is to fine tune all fundamental skills and develop each individuals' overall performance. Small groups of 6-10 athletes based on age and ability. COST: $125/month
(You can signup for multiple months OR 1 month at a time by coming back to register on this form each month)
As the parent/legal guardian I grant permission for him/her to participate in JET Volleyball and acknowledge that he/she is physically able to participate in all camp and training activities. I also release JET Volleyball and their coaches and employees from any and all claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever resulting in participation in JET Volleyball. By enrolling and/or entering event premises, you consent to photography and video recording that may be reproduced on our website and social media for club marketing promotional purposes. By submitting this form you are agreeing with the disclaimer/agreement.
Click Submit Only Once - Please be patient it may take up to 15 seconds to bring up the secure payment page. You MUST complete online payment on the next window for this entry to be accepted. (If you have a discount it will be applied on the next screen)